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William E. Elston

Gary Faigin

Paul Havas

Yvonne Twining Humber

Margarita Kalinina

Will Kitchen

Christel Kratohvil

Jan Cook Mack

Peter Malarkey

Ron McGaughey

Dave McGranaghan

Charles W. Palmer

Henk Pander

Michael Parry

Alexander Petrov

Rebecca Schofield

Kurt Solmssen

Tom Tanaka

Terry Vineyard

Lucy Wilner

Gallery: Introduction

This is a selection of works by artists that were part of the original Northwest Figurative Artists' Alliance, c. 1992 – 1995. This is not a complete representation of the artists involved, but merely those that formed the core membership at the time the website was designed, and who were willing to submit slides. Some of the artists involved have since passed away, including Yvonne Twining Humber, Henk Pander and Paul Havas, who are represented here, as well as Fire Cruxent, Michael Fajans, Selma Waldman, Charles Krafft and Kent Lovelace. They made significant contributions, both to the NFAA and to the visual culture of the Pacific Northwest.